Dyes and Drugs: new uses and implications

Trim, H. H. & Hunter, W. (ed.)

Dyes and Drugs: new uses and implications - Oakville: Apple Academic Press, 2021 - vii, 358p., illus. includes bibliographical references & index

This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. The science of chemistry is so broad that it is normally broken into fields or branches of specialization. The manufacture of drugs and dyes is one of the most practical industrial applications of chemistry. This collection presents the reader with a broad spectrum of chapters on drugs and dyes, thereby demonstrating key developments in this rapidly changing field. It examines dyes in chemical interaction and production of drugs for pharmaceutical use as well as in forensic work and in the production of materials.

9781774632567 - pbk

1. Dyes and dyeing -- Drugs
2. Chemicsl technology
3. Textile bleaching